Sleep and Entrepreneurship

I came across a statistic recently that made me stop in my tracks:

The average entrepreneur loses over 4 hours of sleep each week related to stress.

Have I been there myself? Certainly. As a mom of three and multi-business owner, I’ve had my fair share of sleepless nights. But I’ve realized that the more I sleep, the better I am for my clients, customers, and family, so I try to make it a priority.

We all know how important sleep is to our health, but I’d argue that it’s also important for our business.

If we are lacking in sleep, we analyze business opportunities differently, make poorer decisions, make more mistakes, and take longer to get things done.

Think of it this way…getting better sleep means you’ll be able to accomplish more in fewer hours. It’s like hiring people just by sleeping more! Crazy right?!?

But the stress is real, so here are some ways you can tackle yours head-on:

1. Find someone to help you solve the problems you’re facing.

Find a business mentor who’s been where you are. When I first bought a micro-gym (and quickly realized I didn’t know how to run a business), I sought a mentor, which changed my life. (Many years later, I’m now a business mentor myself and would love to help you!)

2. Work with a therapist or counselor to help with any mental health issues and relaxation strategies.

You can’t help others unless you help yourself, so take guilt-free time to seek help from a professional. Sleep is essential for our minds, and our minds are essential for our businesses.

3. Find a community of people who support you.

Embrace a mindset of abundance, and reach out to fellow business owners. Instead of viewing yourselves as competitors or threats, celebrate the successes and milestones while pushing, challenging, inspiring, and motivating each other. Search for masterminds and post online for recommendations. You’ll find your people.


Quit Talking, Begin Doing


How to Reach Your Goals